Chapter One Sign Up Guide

How to Join In

Martin's pledge is fun, but achievable

Make your pledge

You will first need to join the Middlehammer group on Facebook and locate the A Middlehammer Tale pledge thread. Post a single photograph containing your models and tell us how they match the theme. Should you be unable to join the Middlehammer group for any reason, you can message your pledges to us and we’ll share them for you. Alternatively you can pledge in A Middlehammer Tale’s Facebook group.



Chapter One’s theme is a leader marching off in haste with his most loyal troops. You will need to pledge at least one character and one “core” unit. Your character will also need a name.



That’s it, you’re good to go! Though there are some optional extras listed at the bottom of this page.

Get painting!

A Middlehammer Tale exists to help you get your minis painted, so get those brushes out.

Our online community is growing every day. If you’d like to be part of it there’s a forum on this website; as well as Facebook group and Discord channel linked below.

Admittedly, if you your desk looks like this you might not need help getting motivated!
A completed pledge might look like this

Complete your pledge

A week before the end of May a post will appear in the Middlehammer  and A Middlehammer Tale groups in which you can submit a photo of your finished unit.

That’s as much as you need to do to count as finished, but if you also want to tell us more about your unit(s) and project that’s great.

Also, feel free to leave any feedback about A Middlehammer Tale to help us improve your experience.

Optional Extras...

Each Chapter will contain some optional elements that you only need engage with if you want to. For Chapter One these are a terrain piece and a background story for your army.

For the terrain piece you are asked to imagine the area from which your general set off. Perhaps a mercenary captain and his men were staying in an Inn, or your Wood Elf lord was hunting in the woods with his companions. Regardless, you’re tasked with creating a terrain piece to match. There will be a terrain challenge every month and if you take part you should have enough for a table when we wrap up in October.

A camp scene can make for good objective markers.

Discover A Middlehammer Tale

If you’re interested in learning more about the project, seeing some of our original art work or learning more about the setting in which our narrative takes place, try these links.

As A Middlehammer Tale progresses we will be adding lots of new content, as well as consistently working to improve the website and your user experience. You can sign up for our newsletter to keep up to date.

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