Preview – Chapter Two: Strange Lands

Strange Lands

June Pledges

In June your army will pass beyond the borders of its local region and into strange, unknown lands. Any army without eyes and the ability to feed itself will quickly founder, so your general will need scouts and foragers as a matter of urgency.



In this chapter you’ll be painting at least one unit that could be seen as scouts, rangers, outriders, hunters, etc – the kinds of troops that keep an army alive on the march. 

The Wider World

We have big plans for ‘Strange Lands’ and the month of June will be dedicated to expanding the setting to the point where it can support a proper narrative structure – whilst still leaving it open enough for anyone to use for their project, regardless of the game they play.


The details of Chapter Two will remain top secret until launch, but we hope you will find the setting we are creating enjoyable. Some participants have already chosen to base their projects in this world, which has  delighted the artists working in the background. The primary focus of Chapter Two’s art production will be world building.

The Narrative

Chapter 2 will be where we begin to introduce unique characters and peoples to you for the first time – although those of you who have explored the website may have noticed a few named characters and the odd nation cropping up here and there.

Whilst we have a structure in mind, this aspect of the project will be kept flexible. It is our hope that we can involve your projects in the story and have fun with the setting.

Where will we go next?

If you are interested in where the narrative might go, why not take a look at the bits and pieces of information already available on the website?

We will be expanding these pages as more art is added to the project’s portfolio. As hand-drawn art can be time consuming work, this will happen gradually; but it is our aim to have new content for you at least once a week.

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