Meet the Artist – Matthew Street

Meet The Artist: Matthew Street

A proud Londoner, Matt has been an important part of the Oldhammer community for many years. Celebrated for his work as an artist and designer, Matt’s collaborations with a number of companies make his pieces easily recognisable to veterans of the scene. Although he prefers to work with traditional materials, Matthew is equally capable of producing outstanding digital work. A Middlehammer Tale is very fortunate to be able to call upon Matt’s skills and we hope to be able to continue featuring his art throughout the project. You can see more of Matt’s work on his Instagram, linked below.

"Ugludd and Snazgit"

Matt’s brilliance as a fantasy artist is on full display in this piece, showing the victory of Ugludd Bonenose over his rival. We wanted to really make an impression when introducing our first named characters and Matt was the obvious choice for the commission.

Working in pen on comic board, Matt has produced a truly inspiring scene; conveying both the savagery and comedy for which fantasy goblins are famous.

"Dwarf Warrior"

This doughty Dwarf is full of the character and detail for which Matt’s work is rightly praised. The weathered face and battered shield tell of the hardship the warrior has faced, but he’s clearly filled with grim resolve.

The flow of the tunic and subtle movement in the leather loop of the mace add life to the piece. You can feel the force of the blow the Dwarf is about to land on his foe.

"Chaos Dwarf Knight"

Matt is a huge fan of all kinds of Dwarfs and that love extends to their chaotic kin. This heavily armoured boar knight oozes menace, from the wicked morning star to his spiked gauntlets.


You could have forgiven a piece featuring a masked warrior for lacking character, but Matt has used the Dwarf’s posture to convey malign intent – as well as managing to add great interest to the face of the boar itself.

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