Elven Kindreds

A Peerless Elven Swordsman

High Elves

Inheritors of the the original Elven Kingdoms, the High Elves regard themselves as the only ‘true’ Elves. Having withdrawn into the Western Realms following The Fall, this most ancient of races has become insular and aloof.



Safe behind the mountains and forests they created to divided themselves from the younger races, High Elves live in a land of eternal summer, free from want and pain. Able to dedicate their entire, immortal lives to the mastery of their desired paths, they aspire to perfection in all things and have grown to revile those races they view as inferior – which is all others.

Dark Elves

Once the most dedicated servants of the Elven Council and tasked to guard the Vanulai Mountains, the Dark Elves came to resent what they saw as their banishment from the Western Realms. Defeated in a civil war of their own instigation, the Dark Elves withdraw to their mountain fortresses and the colonies on the edges of the Elven realms.

Still bitter and brooding, the Dark Elves continue to plot their revenge and long for the day they will reclaim their birth right.

Dark Elves Are Masters of Fell Magicks

Wood Elves

Tasked as wardens of the vast forests dividing the Elves from the wider world, the Wood Elves have grown wild and strange. These Kindreds rejected the High Elves use of magic to shape nature to their will and instead sought to commune with the spirits of the earth.

The World of A Middlehammer Tale

We aim to make A Middlehammer Tale as accessible as possible, with people able to participate regardless of the army the collect or the game they play.

However, for our narrative to have a solid grounding we decided to create a world of our own in which to set our tale. The themes and stories we present should be widely applicable and participants can use as much or as little of our setting as they like in their own projects.

Why not explore the setting for yourself?


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