Meet The Artist – Mustafa Bekir

Meet The Artist: Mustafa Bekir

“Muz”, as he’s known to his friends, is a talented digital artist who originally hails from London. Now living an working in Japan, Muz remains a well-known figure in the UK classic wargaming scene. His work has graced the pages (and covers) of numerous fantasy and sci-fi properties. A Middlehammer Tale is lucky to be able to work with Muz and his art will continue to appear on this website throughout the project. You can check out his Instagram account using the link below.

"Your Army Needs You!"

For this piece Muz was asked to reimagine the old Lord Kitchener recruitment poster from WWI. The image of a grizzled, landsknecht veteran struck all parties as a natural fantasy interpretation of the famous image and Muz was able to produce the handsome chap you see before you.

This piece has been used on recruitment posters for the project, as well as on our initial “pledge” threads on Facebook and has proven very popular.

"Hobgoblin Warrior"

Here we tasked Mustafa with bringing A Middlehammer Tale’s vision of a hobgoblin to life. The brief included a request for an eastern style of armour and the signature wolf tail totem, which is the mark of a warrior in Hobgoblin society.


Muz, we are sure you’ll agree, knocked this one out of the park. Unnerving, ugly and radiating threat – this isn’t an enemy to take lightly.

"Orc Thug"

This was the first test piece Muz was asked to produce and we decided to choose a classic fantasy trope to base it on – in order to make it easy for everyone to see whether the art style would work for the project. You can probably see why we were so keen to work with Mustafa after we saw it.

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