Chapter One: Strange Waters

Fate has called to Her champion and you must answer!

Visions of Water

Across the world heroes, scholars, tyrants and mad men have begun to experience strange visions of dark waters.

Each is sure that they have been chosen for a grand destiny, for only they can save (or end) the world. The truth of your visions cannot be denied and the false visionaries must be stopped at all costs – lest all end in disaster. The blessing of Fate alone is not enough, however; the chosen must prove they are worthy.



Fate can have only one champion.

Ashtar Kull - Master Reaver

Make haste! March with the dawn!
Start Your Journey Here.

No time can be wasted, for rivals are all around you. Each visionary’s claims are different, but all agree one thing is true – destiny lies in the East. Deep in near mythical lands, past the Gates of Heaven, a power rises – a power which only the worthy can wield.

Click the link below for full details of May’s painting requirements.

False Visionaries Are Already Making Their Way East. There Is No Time To Lose.

Braygor Dwarfbane

A merciless butcher without equal, Braygor’s visions have shown him that he will conquer the world. Despoiling the lands of the hated Dwarfs, he will grind every trace of the vile enemy into the dust, before eating the heart of the High King.

Clan Veerskit

Who leads these secretive ratmen none can say, but having laid waste to the town of Bittenhof they have proceeded east towards the mountains. Possessed of mysterious, arcane technology, this enemy should not be taken lightly.

Kull's Reavers

The corrupted raiding fleet of Ashtar Kull has long been a thorn in the side of all maritime nations, but recently his fleet has moved south with dread purpose. It is whispered Kull makes for the Cape of Sorrows, in an attempt to make passage into the Sea of Dreams.


This legendary saurian captain has stood watch over the frontiers of the Lizardmen for centuries – ever resentful of the humans who seek to occupy his race’s lost empire. To the horror of all, he has now begun to march north – leaving devastation in his wake.

This month we'll introduce you to Ugludd Bonenose and Snazgit the shaman

The Bittermoon Goblins

Ugludd Bonenose has had a vision and along with Snazgit, the Bittermoon's long-suffering shaman, he will lead his tribe to greatness or (more likely) die trying.
The Bittermoon have infested the Iron Hills for over a century, but having suffered from infighting and division they have proven little more than a nuisance to their more powerful neighbours. Ugludd's slaying of Shadrak Yellowfang has united the tribe for the first time in a generation and the goblins are marching to war.
Snazgit has been chief shaman of the Bittermoon since before they arrived in the Iron Hills and has seen a succession of inept chieftains come and go. Quite how a goblin has lived so long is a mystery, but his great age makes him qualified to say that Ugludd might be the most useless goblin warboss in history...and yet, he's somehow still alive. Shamans do not argue with Fate, however, and so Snazgit will march east. As much to see how Ugludd gets killed as anything else.


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