Whether it’s Warhammer Fantasy, 40K, Mordheim or Blood Bowl, I am usually painting or planning Chaos projects.
After considering the other Chaos gods, I then thought of Hashut, and of Chaos Dwarfs and their allies. I like miniatures and army books from different periods and I’ll be combining ideas and miniatures from various sources into this army.
I planned this army by making a list of units I’d like to include and then thought about where to get the miniatures. I have a plan for most of what I expect to need, which will mainly come from Old School Miniatures, Knightmare and eBay but I still have a few partially formed ideas to be developed later on.
For May, I have assembled fourteen Chaos Dwarf warriors and their leader. I have ten more to put together if I have time.
I love Clam's Chaos Dwarf minis. I have a load in a drawer and they could easily have been my pledge for this project.
Maybe next time.