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Konstance Frick's Court (KFC for short)

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Hello everyone,

For the project I will be adding onto my Tzeentchian chaos forces that I've worked on off and on since being introduced to the hobby. I want to include as many strange and interesting models as I can, so don't expect anything too standardized from the masses.

For May's entry I have the fowl sorcerer himself, Konstance Frick and a contingent of Tzeentch blessed Gors. I hope to add some ungors in the future but I haven't decided on what models to use yet. In the future I plan to add a good variety of characters and gibbly beasts, and some homages to games/universes I enjoy outside of WFB, one of them being a Zealot and unit of marauders based off of the Warhammer Online MMO that was released some years ago.

Here are some pictures of Frick, his gors and some future WIP.

Frick and his gors:

Marauders and Zealot:

Owl of Omnipotence:

Dragon Ogres:



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