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The Defence of Blomhoff, A Middlehammer Tale

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My name is Joshua, and I originally attracted towards the Middlhammer Tale due to my intense enjoyment of the Tale of 4 Gamers projects that I read in White Dwarf whilst I was younger. I felt that it would be great fun to get involved in one of these projects, and wanted to get more of my Empire ready, with a focus on having a fully painted army for the release of the Old World when it comes out. My project will be focused on the town of Blomhoff- a small town in Wissenland under threat by a tribe of orcs that have moved into the area. As such, much of my force is going to be ill equipped levy troops, as the idea of a desperate defence against the Orcs appealed to me.

I am a great lover of the lore that often develops around such projects, and thus hope to write some of my own for some of the units. Below I have included the bios for the units and characters that I hope to complete within the first month of the project.


Sir Jorris Muller, Knight of the Reiksguard- Sir Muller is an older man, and the castellan of Blomhoff. He personally sees the Orc attack as a way to recapture his youth, and may be the only citizen of the town who happily awaits the chance to cross blades with the greenskins once more.

“Orcs? Finally, something interesting happens in Sigmar blasted town! Fetch me my armour!”  


Nina, Jade Witch- Born and raised in Blomhoff, Nina is a young woman who received some training from the Jade collage, before being forced to return to the town after her mother, the previous town caster, fell grievously ill. Nina was the first to see the orcish scouts, and hopes that her spells will protect the town she loves.

“They were huge I tell you! Their leader was the size of a carthorse! An angry, green carthorse!”


Lukka von Wolfgard, Captain of the Hedgehog company- Wolfgard is a mercenary leader of some infamous repute, who was laying low from his own company after a ‘misunderstanding’ with the company paychest.

“Defend the town? Of course, Herr Muller! Though first we must discuss the terms of my, I mean, the Hedgehogs pay…”


The Blomhoff town guard, First Company- The first shift of town guard quickly rallied, picking up halberds in place of their typical clubs. Though they would never say it, each member of the regiment was glad to led by Sir Muller, who’s significant elan bolstered the spirits of all those around him.

“Quick! Grab the Halberds, else the second Company will nab them!”


The Wissenland Sureshots- The only state troops in the town, the Sureshots were deeply unhappy to hear of the orcs impending attack, as they were meant to be resting in a safe town after a long stint defending the coasts of Nordland from incessant marauder attacks. Still, they were soldiers of the Empire, and they would not shirk their duty to its people.

“What do you mean Otto is drunk? Sober him up! Where’s the mage…”



TWP reacted
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Very nice. Will we be seeing the Hedgehog Company Or the disgruntledly halberd-less 2nd town guard company in the future?

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That's the plan! I also want to do a block of armed villagers, some artillery and some terrain. The second squad of guards get maces, whereas the Hedgehogs will be a unit of pikes, some crossbows and probably a light cannon. 


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The classic rag-tag militia. Great stuff.

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Managed to get most of the base paints on-I hope to do some more detail work and edge highlighting before the end of the month.


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