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The Folly of Konstantin Von Platz

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So, for this project I was going to originally work on some High Elves, until an idea for an Empire general popped, unbidden, into my head. Thus, Konstantin Von Platz, and this army, was born. Fluff-wise my idea is he's a newly commissioned captain from Altorf ordered to lead his new command north to reinforce the border with Kislev not too long before Archaon's Minor Drizzle breaks out. For the first month I'm going with the man himself, the Altdorf 13th Sword Regiment, an attached Handgunner unit, and some Militia & other ne'er do wells so that I also have a starting Mordheim warband. Going forward with this I'd like to add some Warmaster units, and maybe even some Man O'War ships, and I'm aiming to have a bit of a living 3d hex map and some terrain to follow along with my bumbling idiot on his merry way. I did always like the themed shots in GW publications, so if I can work in some extra painted enemies for army shots then so much the better, but it's not something I'm actively aiming for.


Sergeant Heinrich Sturm had worn the uniform for near on a decade, with over half of that being in command of the Altdorf 13th Swords regiment, not a bad promotion for the son of a tanner all-in-all. Never an overly superstitious man, Heinrich never paid heed to the inauspicious designation of his unit, nor did he feel any particular misfortune had befallen the unit. Until they were assigned to that stupid runt Von Platz. The 'remarkable' heir to the Von Platz family. In Heinrich's eyes the only remarkable thing about him was that a blasted orc had managed to outmanoeuvre him a week's march out of the city, and driven the force into a disorderly retreat!

So what I've attached here is just a general 'where I'm at' kinda deal. Turns out resin the colour of white chocolate doesn't take great pics anyway, so no point going for detail shots before everything's painted anyway haha. I started with the Swordsmen and they have been *jinxed* Trying out DLP craftsman resin on my D2 and the only successful plate was the one full of 20mm bases. Not one of my 5 attempts at actual minis has been more than about 50% successful, so at the moment the only mini actually finished is the unit champion haha. Currently waiting on more filters for resin (got so many fails with these guys over the weekend I ran out) so I can keep going, and decided they get designated by an unlucky number haha. The minis themselves are from Last Sword miniatures, and the bases & movement are from Txarli factory; they're designed to take 5x1mm disc magnets so it's all pretty handy. For the first month, as I wanna have a Mordheim warband too, I figure there's no better tie-in scenery for month one, and what they're standing on are 2 6" square tiles from Tired World Studios' Hexengarde line

TWP reacted
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Joined: 2 years ago
Posts: 10

I love the fact there's fluff.

The big drawback of 3D printing remains dialling in the settings. I'm sure you'll get it sorted.



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