
A Doughty Dwarf Warrior

Dwarven Empire

The last surviving Elder Empire, the realm of the Dwarfs may be diminished in splendour yet it remains unbroken. Assailed on all sides by myriad enemies, the Dwarfs’ martial prowess, technological brilliance and sheer bloody-mindedness have seen them hold where others have crumbled. Whilst the Elves chose to retreat from the world, the Dwarfs have stared reality squarely in the eye and never backed down.



All is not as it was, however. Trade routes are less busy and holds are no longer the teaming metropolises of the golden era; whilst in the north and east the corrupted kin of this noble race plot its ruin.

Chaos Dwarfs

The destruction of the Gates of Heaven caused Dark Magic to spew into the mortal world in such quantities that many areas are still corrupted to this day. Due to their proximity to the Gates, the Dwarf realms of the north and east were badly affected and the corruption of that honourable people was as complete as it was sudden.


Pride and honour twisted into arrogance. Love of hold and kin mutated into xenophobia. The Dwarfs of these regions, always distrustful of outsiders, grew to despise the world. Now they wage unceasing war against the civilised world and may yet be its undoing.

Chaos Dwarfs are fearsome enemies

The Brotherhood

A Berserker of The Brotherhood

The corruption of the Chaos Dwarfs broke many of their kin in other realms. The dishonour brought on the entire Dwarf race was too much for them to bear and they sought to atone through prayer and self sacrifice. Near mad with religious fervour, these fanatics now take the fight to the fallen holds – seeking salvation in blood.

The World of A Middlehammer Tale

We aim to make A Middlehammer Tale as accessible as possible, with people able to participate regardless of the army they collect or the game they play.

However, for our narrative to have a solid grounding we decided to create a world of our own in which to set our narrative. The themes and stories we present should be widely applicable and participants can use as much or as little of our setting as they like in their own projects.

Why not explore the setting for yourself?


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