Orcs & Goblins

A Particularly Thuggish Orc


The biggest and strongest of the goblinoid races are called Orcs and it is these natural warriors who are most likely to take positions of leadership within hordes. Orcs control many of the hinterlands and wild places of the world, constantly fighting the other races as well as each other; for orcs love war and revel in battle.


Smaller and weaker than orcs, Goblins are nevertheless possessed of great cunning and ingenuity. Whilst a single goblin might not be a match for a seasoned warrior of other races, they breed at a prodigious rate and can often overwhelm their enemies with sheer numbers

Ugludd Screenshot
Ugludd Bonenose, Goblin Chieftain
A Dastardly Hobgoblin Warrior


It is said that hobgoblins were formed when the Chaos Dwarfs tried to mix goblins and men to create superior slaves, though hobgoblins themselves reject this. They claim to be the original goblinoid race and indigenous peoples of the Eastern Steppes. Whatever the truth of their origins, hobgoblins now control large swathes of that land.


Often seen riding on the backs of giant wolves, the vast hordes of the hobgoblin tribes move across the steppes like locusts; stripping regions bare before moving on in search of new food and plunder.

The World of A Middlehammer Tale

We aim to make A Middlehammer Tale as accessible as possible, with people able to participate regardless of the army they collect or the game they play.

However, for our narrative to have a solid grounding we decided to create a world of our own in which to set our tale. The themes and stories we present should be widely applicable and participants can use as much or as little of our setting as they like in their own projects.

Why not explore the setting for yourself?


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