The Factions of A Middlehammer Tale

Let's make some introductions...


A rising power in the world, humans are divided into many kingdoms and varied cultures. 

It’s the aim of A Middlehammer Tale to be accessible to as many hobbyists as possible, regardless of the games they play and the world in which they set their projects. However, in order for a narrative campaign to have structure it is necessary to have some coherency in the setting. To achieve the balance between these two needs, we are creating The World of A Middlehammer Tale – a custom setting that retains strong themes from classic fantasy games and literature. It is our hope that participants (and readers) can transplant the themes and stories set in this new world directly into whatever setting they have chosen for their own work.

On this page you can meet the various factions of The World of a Middlehammer Tale and get to know your friends and foes.


One of the elder races, Dwarfs are stubborn and quick to anger. Though most are honourable folk, the corrupted Chaos Dwarfs are evil beyond measure...


Beastmen exist on the edges of civilisation, often serving as ways to frighten children into obedience. Though scattered and leaderless, these fell creatures are dangerous indeed...


Sorcerer Kings once ruled all the kingdoms of men and necromancy was practiced openly. Those days are over, yet many realms are still home to the walking dead...

The Elves

The most ancient of races, Elves have inhabited the world since it’s dawn. Once noble and pure, the psychological damage done to this race by the Fall of the Gods cannot be overstated. The Elven race is now fractured and factionalised, but retains much of its power.

Orcs and Goblins

The various goblinoid races infest many areas of the world. Violent and unruly, Orcs and Goblins make poor neighbours. Every civilised race both fears and despises these creatures, yet they are not without allies and armies of humans and hobgoblins are a common sight on the Eastern Steppes.


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