The Realms of Man

Warriors of the Middle Kingdoms battle the hated Undead

The Middle Kingdoms

Occupying the strategic centre between the Elven lands and the mountains of the Dwarfs, the Middle Kingdoms are the most advanced of the surviving realms of men. Seen as a bulwark again the Undead (and the darker tendencies of humanity) the Middle Kingdoms have benefitted from the teachings of Dwarfs and Elves alike.


Nominally unified under an elected emperor, the individual kingdoms are nevertheless fiercely independent and protective of their own cultures. It was the men of these lands who led The Uprising against the Socrerer Kings and they feel that history should afford them a position of leadership over all other human realms.

The March Lords

The region known as The March extends from the river Fluss, which marks the westernmost border of the Middle Kingdoms, to the foothills of the Vanulai Mountains. The men of these realms are hardy and warlike, but their technological and social development has been held back by the Elves – the elder race being wary of potential threats on their doorstep.

Here princes and dukes rule in the ancient manner of feudal lords. Traditionally all have sworn fealty to the king of the great port city of La Roch, but that throne has now stood empty for a generation.

The fortified mouth of the harbour of La Roch
The Wild Lands are home to many fearsome sights

The Wild Lands

The Wild Lands are those regions which lie beyond the reach of civilisation, usually due to natural barriers, climate or contamination following the destruction of the Gates of Heaven. In these lands men live by their wits and the strength of their sword arm – competing with Beastmen, Orcs and other, stranger things for meagre resources.

These are the realms to which the Sorcerer Kings fled following their defeat and daemonology, necromancy and other dark arts are openly practiced.  It is the nature of these scattered tribes to war amongst themselves, but should a leader ever emerge it could doom the civilised world.

The World of A Middlehammer Tale

We aim to make A Middlehammer Tale as accessible as possible, with people able to participate regardless of the army they collect or the game they play.

However, for our narrative to have a solid grounding we decided to create a world of our own in which to set our tale. The themes and stories we present should be widely applicable and participants can use as much or as little of our setting as they like in their own projects.

Why not explore the setting for yourself?


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