The Undead

The Middle Kingdoms

Although rife during the Age of the Sorcerer Kings, necromancy has been a forbidden art in the Middle Kingdoms since The Uprising. The dark magicks unleashed in those ancient days still taint many regions and the dead do not always rest easy.


Vampires, werewolves and other fell creatures still call such places home – meaning witch hunters and crusaders remain busy.

The Lost Lands

To the south of the Middle Kingdoms lie the realms collectively known as The Lost Lands. This fractured region is so saturated by Dark Magic that only the most twisted creatures can dwell there and they remain dominated by the Undead to this day.



The mightiest of these kingdoms of the dead is Ptolomos, where the God Kings of ancient days still rule their undying courts.


Once the jewel in the crown of humanity, Ptolomos now stands as a warning to all civilisation as to the danger of dark sorcery. Known as Kumesh in ancient days, this fertile and prosperous kingdom was all but destroyed by a vast migration of Beastmen.

Weakened and vulnerable, Kumesh was conquered by the Sorcerer King Ptolomos and renamed in his honour. When the Sorcerer Kings fell during The Uprising, Ptolomos refused to bow to his fate and unleashed such devastating magicks that he scarred the world for all time, creating the Lost Lands.

The World of A Middlehammer Tale

We aim to make A Middlehammer Tale as accessible as possible, with people able to participate regardless of the army they collect or the game they play.

However, for our narrative to have a solid grounding we decided to create a world of our own in which to set our tale. The themes and stories we present should be widely applicable and participants can use as much or as little of our setting as they like in their own projects.

Why not explore the setting for yourself?


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